April 10, 2023
Brand Audit for Small Business
A brand audit from COG Strategy involves a thorough evaluation of a company’s brand, including its advantages and disadvantages, possibilities and threats.
April 10, 2023
A brand audit from COG Strategy involves a thorough evaluation of a company’s brand, including its advantages and disadvantages, possibilities and threats.
March 10, 2023
A plan outlining how a company will accomplish its aims and objectives is known as a business strategy. COG Strategy provides a guide on Business Strategy.
December 11, 2019
A key responsibility I have is to reaffirm business owners that you can easily be distracted from what actually works. What will always work are real conversations with people, like the chat I had with old mate in the surf.
April 22, 2016
What we really get a kick out of at COG Branding is when we get to work with businesses that are lost in the woods with their brand but don’t have the resources to find their way out.
January 24, 2016
The old school reactions of downsizing activities in a slowing economy may not always be the best move. With our current knowledge and technology, experts recommend increasing your marketing with new strategies to fit the climate. Remember, marketing is an investment for future business and sales growth – you only get if you put in. […]