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Digital Strategy for Small Business

A digital strategy is a plan for how a company will use digital technologies, channels, and media to achieve its business goals.

Digital Marketing Strategy For Brands

March 30, 2023

What is a digital strategy?

A digital strategy is a plan for how a company will use digital technologies, channels, and media to achieve its business goals. It is a plan that guides decision-making and resource allocation across the organisation to align all of the company’s digital activities towards a common purpose.


How should a digital strategy be used?

A digital strategy should be used as a guide for all digital decision-making and resource allocation within a company, and should be used to inform and direct a wide range of activities, including:

  • Website and e-commerce development
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media management
  • Content creation and management
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Email marketing
  • Digital analytics and measurement


What things should be included in a digital strategy?

  • The company’s digital goals, objectives, and Key Performance Indicators are clearly stated (KPIs).
  • a thorough SWOT analysis of the business’s digital internal and external environments.
  • a description of the target clients and market for the business.
  • An explanation of the company’s online presence in great depth (website, social media, e-commerce, etc.)
  • An explanation of the business’ competitive advantage in the digital environment.
  • a thorough strategy for internet marketing and promotion.
  • a thorough strategy for metrics and data analytics-based analysis of digital performance.
  • a strategy for routinely assessing and changing the approach


How does a digital strategy benefit a small business?

A small business digital strategy can benefit a small business by:

  • Helping to focus resources and efforts on the most important areas to achieve company digital goals
  • Providing a clear direction for the company’s digital activities, which can improve decision-making and increase efficiency
  • Establishing a competitive advantage by identifying unique digital strengths and opportunities
  • Identifying and managing digital risks
  • Providing a framework for creating effective digital marketing plans and tactics
  • Helping to attract and retain customers by effectively using digital channels


How can a small business use a digital strategy?

There are various ways a small business might apply a digital strategy:

  • determining the target market and the audience
  • establishing digital objectives and goals that can guide digital marketing efforts
  • directing every aspect of the business’s digital activity towards a single objective that supports its long-term objectives
  • recognising the competitive advantages and potential growth prospects in the digital environment
  • defining the metrics for success that can be used to evaluate digital marketing initiatives


Why should a small business get a professional digital strategy developed?

  • A professional may offer an independent and objective perspective on the business’s digital presence and its market. A professional can assist a small business in identifying areas of opportunities and potential threats that the business may not be aware of.
  • A specialist can assist a small firm in developing a clear and concrete plan to accomplish its digital objectives.
  • A specialist can assist a small business in determining and concentrating on the key areas needed to succeed in the digital environment.
  • A specialist can assist a small organisation in comprehending and implementing industry best practises and standards.


Is a digital strategy expensive? 

The price of a digital strategy might vary based on the project’s size and complexity, as well as the kind of firm or expert doing the work. For a digital strategy, some larger agencies may charge more, while smaller agencies or independent contractors may price less. But regardless of the expense, a well-developed digital strategy can result in a sizeable return on investment for the company.


What type of digital strategies are there?

There are various types of digital strategies:

  • Digital marketing strategy
  • E-commerce strategy
  • Website strategy
  • Social media strategy
  • Content strategy
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy
  • Email marketing strategy


What sort of professionals develop digital strategy services?

Professionals who develop digital strategy services can include digital strategists and digital marketing consultants.


Should you use a strategy agency or freelance digital strategist to develop a digital strategy?

Depending on the unique requirements of your company, you should decide whether to hire a freelance digital strategist or a strategy agency to build your digital strategy. Both sorts of professionals can offer worthwhile services, but the ideal option will depend on your company’s particular requirements.

Using a strategy agency like COG Strategy will provide your company access to a team of professionals that can develop a thorough digital strategy. Agencies can provide a wide range of services, including market research, digital marketing, web design, and analytics that can lead to business growth, sustainability and survival. They often have a wide range of experience and understanding in various industries. They also have the tools necessary to put the plan into action and monitor the outcomes, giving your company a comprehensive view of its digital strategy.

On the other hand, using a freelance digital strategist can provide your business with a more flexible and cost-effective solution. A freelancer is an independent professional who can work remotely and can offer specialised knowledge and skills. This can be beneficial for businesses that have a specific digital problem to solve or that need to supplement their in-house team. Freelancers can be more affordable and can provide a nimble approach to your digital strategy.

In summary, both options have their pros and cons, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs of your business. It is important to evaluate your business goals, resources and budget, and then decide which option is the best fit for your business.

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