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Brand Architecture

We know you need a trusted professional partner to develop a brand architecture for your business.

Your supplier needs to be affordable, forward thinking, deliver clarity and understand the bigger picture. Trust The Small Business Brand Architecture Experts.

COG Strategy are brand architects. We build, manage & repair brands. Naturally we build brand architectures. This specialisation within our brand service suite gives our clients a focus on the organisation, management and deployment of their brand.

A well built brand architecture will define how a companies brand is delivered at corporate, divisional, product and service levels. Our expertise tells us to ask our clients brands important questions, we need to dig deep to determine complicated hierarchies, brand history, and good and bad relationships that always exist within any business.

COG Strategy deliver research which signals the beginning of the branding and re-branding services for products, services and marketing campaigns. For a brand, its architecture supplies qualitative and quantitative research in order to establish a platform for brand identity and marketing communications material.

To reach a solid brand architecture it can sometimes require interviews and focus groups which assist in the exploration and discovery of what the brands targeted group and audience are thinking. Quantitative research can be conducted to validate brand values, brand journeys and brand experiences.

Our clients use our brand architecture service to reconfigure their brand architectures, sometimes between their holding or parent company and its subsidiary companies.

The development or integration of new overarching parent brands / holding companies can require management and updates to ensure the other subsidiary companies and their brands sit strategically underneath, alongside or even above. A business that is seen as a branded house is one where all products and services support the same core messages and brand values against the companies and subsidiaries.

There is always a visual communication element to projects like these and an update to the brand architecture can often determine if updates in other brand communication areas like Corporate Identity is needed.

Brand architectures manage the synergy between a brand house, or a company with a portfolio of brands. A good brand architecture will ensure the group reflects strength, presents a single focus in its offer, clearly identify company hierarchy and establish a firm position which garners trust and reassurance. Though brand architectures are also relevant for single businesses and brands.

To reach a good Brand Architecture we need a clear and articulate vision, strong brand values set and internal management across the business to support its longevity and ongoing performance.

COG Strategy solutions link in with branding and marketing initiatives, our team is resourced to ensure of clients receive the full 360 of effective marketing solutions. Having this support resource for all clients supplies strategic solutions and a professional production team together under the one roof.


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