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Social Culture Trend

We know you need a trusted professional strategy partner to deliver core trend and social behaviour research.

It needs to be affordable, deliver insight, and show how the research can be applied to brand and business function. COG Strategy is an experienced and trusted Sydney Brand Strategy agency. We offer a free briefing, start connecting your brand with business today.

What COG Strategy do best with social and trend insights is ensure that the discoveries can be implemented in future projects.

Effective strategy is created by innovative thinking and astute trend awareness. We identify trends, compile data and analyze the results to develop marketing insights.

At COG Strategy we monitor social and cultural trend. We also conduct research on a wide range of social and cultural topics for our clients. This is a combination of strong qualitative and quantitative methodologies with innovative analysis and dynamic thinking.

Our services include providing a full range of customised research solutions for education campaigns, communications and social media marketing. Our social and trend to all industries and organisations.

COG Strategy are consultants for trends research and strategy and also customised research to specific client brief. While we offer service for customised trend identification, trends in technology, mobile and social media are often the most requested by our clients.

Our research is focused via the below quadrant –


segmentation, generational, B2B, behavioural


concept testing, pricing, packaging, advertising


competitor landscape, awareness, attitudinal


PR, thought leadership, launch event, compliance

Our resource tools include collecting research market intelligence to deliver direct insights of the audience and customers needs, perceptions, and opinions. We follow search trends, news noise, blogs, forum and chat room discussions and social media channel communication to identify to the minute trends.


Focus groups, interviews, phone interviews, community forums.


Online surveys, offline surveys, polling, customer panels.

Data analysis:

Data sets, existing research, meta analysis, big data.


Mobile and smart phone questionnaires, survey apps.

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